News broadcasting is the most constantly demanded area in the entertainment industry. Whenever something important is happening in our society, we turn to the news to deliver the information as soon as possible. Whether it is a televised broadcast, newspaper article, or online information, people will continue to rely on news to stay up to date with controversial issues.

The Brave Journalists Behind Good News

We rely heavily on news but not many people put much consideration into the demanding work that has to be put in to make it available. Without the dedication of journalists, the information we receive would never be available. Even in life threatening situations, brave journalists must retain their composure in order to deliver  quality news. The following list of 10 outstandingly brave journalists might help put things in perspective for you.

Okay, Lets start.

Nellie Bly

One of the most amazing things about this reporter was that she was doing groundbreaking work even before women were treated equally in society. Nellie Bly was actually the pen name of  American journalist  Elizabeth Jane Cochrane. She wasn’t afraid to push her limits just to deliver a sensational news story. A few of her notable brave achievements include faking insanity to investigate an asylum and traveling around the world in a record breaking 72 days.

May Chidiac

This female Lebanese journalist has suffered a great deal at the hand of her own profession. As the lead anchor she covered controversial content regarding the interference of Syrians in Lebanon. Since she has openly discussed such controversial content, she has been targeted several times by radicals and even survived a car bombing.

Anabel Hernandez

Anabel is a Mexican investigative journalist who is renowned for her coverage of corruption in politics. When her father was kidnapped and killed in 2000, the police force refused to look into it without pay. She took it upon herself to do so and since has committed her life to covering controversial organised crime activity in the government when nobody else would.

Bassel Al Shahade

Bassel was living a comfortable life as a successful filmmaking student earning an education in the United States. When waves of terror began to shake his home country, many news outlets were banned from covering it. Bassel left behind his life to cover the damage independently and ended up losing his life in the process.

Najiba Ayubi

The Taliban is one of the most well known and feared terrorist organisations in the entire world. Their notoriety has deterred many journalists from covering their activities in the past. Najiba is one of the few journalists that dared to investigate Taliban involvement in Afghanistan and has received numerous death threats from armed men because of it.

Noure Kelze

Amidst the conflict in Syria, photographs remain one of the most potent ways to deliver an impactful message. Noure is a native Syrian photojournalist that captures powerfully sobering images  in order to expose the raw nature of the conflict. She has been shot at, seen explosions, and stared death in the face several times while capturing her photos.

Edna Machirori

Machirori is a well known veteran of the news reporting industry. For several decades, she has defied the suppressed role of females in Africa and written for several big newspapers. Life in Zimbabwe has given her a lot of tension to throw in the towel but she continually defies the patriarchal order and stays true to her passion.

Bopha Phorn

The story of this Cambodian journalist is nothing short of astounding. She was violently attacked by men with guns while investigating an illegal logging operation in the jungle. She escaped but not before watching one of her co-workers get murdered. Even after escaping death, this brave journalist continues to cover issues with government corruption.

Mauri Konig

Mauri is an investigative reporter that doesn’t let danger keep him from covering the violation of human rights in Brazil. Since taking on multiple controversial issues, he has been beaten, strangled, and left for dead. His work has contributed to society, even helping put a child sex trafficker in prison.

Azimjon Askarov

Azimjon is a journalist of Kyrgyz origin that has worked to reveal hidden corruption in organised society. He covered the controversial topic of corrupt law enforcement which earned him a swift beating by several officers. He is now serving a life sentence behind bars as a sacrifice for his trade.

Image Credits: Sergey Nivens/