
Why Diets Don’t Work

Think about the huge variety of dietary trends that are floating around the world of health and fitness. Every day I check, there is some kind of crazy new diet that people are promoting for “Extreme Weight Loss” and “Crazy Six-Pack Abs”. In reality, most of these temporary diets fail to give you results because of physical and psychological reasons. [...]

By |January 31st, 2014|Diet, Health|1 Comment

Three Superfoods You Should Be Eating

So what exactly is a superfood? Does it wear a cape and fight crime with laser vision? Not exactly, but that would be pretty awesome. Superfood is a term that nutritional experts made to classify foods that are loaded with health benefits. Each one is jam packed with nutritional benefits that encourage a healthy lifestyle and even yield potential medical [...]

By |January 13th, 2014|Diet, Health, Lists|3 Comments

Common Health Scams That Sabotage Success

Are Health Myths Holding You Back? Life before fast food chains and corporate employment was a lot easier on our overall health. It’s no wonder that each industrialized country is experiencing a rise in health issues like obesity and diabetes. Now that people are beginning to realize how much better a healthy and fit lifestyle is, we see a lot [...]

By |January 3rd, 2014|Diet, Health|1 Comment

The Terminator Diet

Lose To Live How to lose fat and start living again A weight management initiative with a difference – and its FREE Caution. Always seek medical advice before making lifestyle, exercise and food changes. There are hundreds of programs on the market on weight loss. Very few are successful (invariably the most expensive programs that only the rich and famous [...]

By |December 11th, 2013|Diet, Health|1 Comment