US Government Shutdown of “non essential services”
An earnest appeal by the US president to restart the economic engine. This is a monster that everybody has at least heard of. This has happened in the past. But due to time lapse and media reports reaching fewer people in the past it has not registered as broadly as the current shutdown and its publicity.
Anyway, this is a serious situation and has had an immediate impact on businesses and people. We know from numbers being bandied around that at least 800 000 government workers in the US in “non essential” services have been directly impacted. Their jobs have been suspended and if this shutdown continues, they will soon be unable to pay their bills, buy food, pay the mortgage and the list will continue. ‘Non-essential services’ is a misnomer.
See Obamas full post here:
The Statute of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty is big business visited by millions of people from all over the world every year. (Visitor estimate around 4 million per annum) It has a daily tourist cap of 15 000. This is significant cash generator for New York not mentioning the spin off effect of tourism, pipeline services, airline and other service companies world wide. So how can this be regarded as a ‘non essential service’ ?
Grand Canyon – National Parks
Over 400 national parks have been shutdown. The Grand Canyon has over 18000 visitors a day around this time contributing over a million dollars a day to the local economy. Yes, you guessed it; it is a non-essential service.
Power of the people!
The US needs its budget approved and people need to return to work. Yes there are problems and need to be addressed. Employment needs to be stimulated and deficits reduced. Businesses need to rally and come up with action plans to create new local jobs, restart the local manufacturing machine and expedite insourcing. The focus of government should be on improving the wealth and well-being of its people and creating conditions to support safe and healthy living conditions. Governments should put their people first.
What are your views?
How can people help solve the problems of their economy?
Should governments increase the role of its people in decision-making?
Why should other economies be allowed to drain your economy of employment?
Should barriers be introduced to stop chunks of the economy slipping away?
Images: Featured