
5 Bizarre Acts of Body Modification

I remember the first time I was desensitized to the concept of body modification. I was working at the register in a grocery store and an older looking biker plopped a basket filled with sirloin steaks on the counter. He was decked out in leather and the gallery of metal piercings jingled from his cartilage whenever he moved. When he [...]

By |February 12th, 2014|Culture|10 Comments

Gifted: 4 Prodigies that Challenge Society’s Perspective on Disability

All things splendid have been achieved by those who dared to believe something inside them was superior to their circumstances. It is often those who are brave enough to overcome adversity, and even see adversity as a blessing, who have a real impact on the world. Despite this, disabled people are often viewed as burdens, or deemed outcasts, because healthy [...]

By |February 11th, 2014|Culture, Lists, Role models|3 Comments

Innocent people jailed

According to the Innocence Project, a few studies have estimated that around 2.3%-5% of all U.S. prisoners are innocent. There are a few common themes that connect these cases to one another such as racial issues, poverty, eyewitness misidentification, invalid forensic science and law enforcement officers that are too eager to solve the case. An increasing number of stories are [...]

By |February 10th, 2014|Culture, Current Events|5 Comments

Does the War on Drugs do More Bad Than Good?

When I was younger, the War on Drugs seemed like a great concept. Drugs are bad after all; why not wage a war against them? Should we really place our faith in a concept coined by Richard Nixon? He isn’t known for being history’s most trustworthy leader. After further investigation into the battle on elicit substances, I realized that the [...]

By |February 9th, 2014|Culture, Current Events|19 Comments

5 Tips for Finding a Great Millennial Relationship

There’s no doubt that the dating scene in our culture has changed a lot compared to older generations. Chilvary used to be a coat over a puddle, now it's more like a poke on Facebook. Our connectivity with technology and social media has transformed the way we communicate. It seems that your best chance in getting hooked up with someone [...]

By |February 8th, 2014|Culture, Lists|2 Comments

Traveling Across Norway in 15 Photos

Whenever you come across an article with a title like ‘the most beautiful landscapes in the world’ or ‘top 10 greatest road trips’, chances are that Norway is on that list as well. If it’s not, then it probably should be. Norway has more than 25,000km of coastline, roughly half of which is located north of the Arctic Circle. Northern Norway [...]

By |February 7th, 2014|Culture, Lists, Travel|3 Comments

Life Lessons Taught by Your Favorite Cartoons

Remember those mornings you spent as a kid entertaining yourself with cartoons over a bowl of sugary cereal? I certainly do, and I never wanted that time to end. My mom would pull at my shirt and say, “Listen Adam, you’re going to learn much more in school than you will in these silly cartoons.” Life Lessons Taught by Your [...]

By |February 6th, 2014|Culture, Lists|3 Comments

When athletes go bad

Sporting events ideally should be enjoyable for the players as well as the spectators. However, the players sometimes make it quite unpleasant by indulging in reckless behavior and throwing a fit about the outcome of the game. Over the decades there have been countless instances of unsportsmanlike behavior by some of the most well known athletes. Given below is a [...]

By |February 6th, 2014|Celebrities, Culture, Lists, Sport|3 Comments

How to be Single on Valentine’s Day

Brace Yourselves Single People It’s that time of the year again. When the colours red and pink reign supreme. On the radio we hear gushy love songs, the television channels are stuffed with romantic programming, and social media pages are loaded with pictures of happy couples embracing each other. It’s Valentine's season. Valentine’s Day is a time when people get [...]

By |February 6th, 2014|Culture, Current Events|1 Comment

7 Lessons every traveler should learn

The way you travel is something very personal, but whether you prefer budget travel, luxurious resorts, city trips or two-week hiking trips, there are some lessons every traveler should learn.   1. However different, everyone’s the same When you are traveling the world you will often notice how different a culture can be from your own. The food might taste [...]

By |February 3rd, 2014|Culture, Travel|12 Comments