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So far Hiland Doolittle has created 21 blog entries.

The Sinking Canadian Dollar: The Tip of The Iceberg?

The Canadian dollar, also known as the Loonie, slumped on Tuesday after a host of disappointing economic data was released. The sinking Loonie is the continuation of an ongoing trend that could indicate further losses in upcoming months. The current data may be just the tip of the iceberg for the struggling Canadian dollar. Meanwhile, the strengthening dollar could get [...]

By |January 8th, 2014|Finance|Comments Off on The Sinking Canadian Dollar: The Tip of The Iceberg?

Physical Fitness For A Longer, Brighter Life

It is almost impossible to read a newspaper or magazine and not come across an article about the many benefits of physical fitness. For the most part, they are all true. In the US, the country with the highest obesity rate in the world, fitness has moved center stage as millions of desk-bound Americans look to keep their minds and [...]

By |January 7th, 2014|Health|1 Comment

Should College Athletes Be Compensated?

As the final BCS Bowl between Florida State and Auburn takes center stage, it is interesting to note that many of the players will be playing professionally in the near future. This will be the last BCS Championship as college football prepares to enter a new age with the next year’s College Football Playoffs. This will not only declare a [...]

By |January 6th, 2014|Sport|3 Comments

Google, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung Fighting Patent Battles

Google’s landmark lawsuit against Rockstar, a company owned by Apple, Microsoft and Blackberry, provides interesting irony for those familiar with high profile tech patent cases in which all major tech players have participated. The Rockstar suit pits the biggest names in the industry squarely against each other. In March 2013, Apple Inc.  was awarded a stunning verdict for patent infringement [...]

By |January 5th, 2014|Business|1 Comment

USD Poised to Gain Versus Yen In 2014

Japan’s Nikkei closed 2013 with its strongest annual performance in six years. The Japanese stock market posted remarkable gains of 40 percent in 2013. The country’s jobless rate is an enviable 3.8 percent and, under the guidance of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan is once again drawing interest from foreign investors for the first time in two decades. Yet, the [...]

By |January 5th, 2014|Finance|Comments Off on USD Poised to Gain Versus Yen In 2014

Time To Burst The Help To Buy Bubble

The UK’s Help To Buy mortgage scheme has sparked a strong housing recovery, improved construction, lifted the housing supply industry and contributed broadly to the UK’s economic recovery. Despite these positive aspects, the scheme has sparked controversy inside the banking community and in government where Vince Cable, the UK Business Secretary, has a very different view of the program than [...]

By |January 4th, 2014|Finance, Politics|1 Comment

Crowdfunding For Startups, Art And Charities

Startups owners are turning to the innovative medium known as Crowdfunding to procure precious capital that is often the biggest obstacle for the greatest of new enterprises. The concept of Crowdfunding is to raise small amounts of money from a network of friends, family and new acquaintances who in turn receive shares of the enterprise. Typically, Crowdfunding is raised through [...]

By |January 2nd, 2014|Business|1 Comment

Tourists Flocking To Cuba

The Caribbean’s largest island, the Republic of Cuba, has initiated a number of far reaching economic reforms designed to improve the country’s economy and appeal to international travellers. Tourists are responding with enthusiasm to the spectacular weather, the vibrant Cuban culture and an economy on the mend. Through November, 2,546,851 foreign tourists had visited Cube in 2013. In November 234,266 [...]

By |December 31st, 2013|Culture, Travel|Comments Off on Tourists Flocking To Cuba

Canadian Solar Shares Up 803 Percent in 2013

Demand for Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS) thin film solar technology gained strong momentum in 2013. The demand was best typified by Canadian Solar (CSIQ) whose shareholders watched the company become the second biggest gainer in the Nasdaq during the year. The success of thin film has lifted the solar power industry from the dismal depths endured during 2011, when [...]

By |December 30th, 2013|Business|1 Comment

Four Great Decision Makers

The ability to make good decisions is one of the most revered qualities successful business leaders possess. Regardless of the size of the enterprise, the ability to look into the future and make sound decisions is one of the most respected qualities a leader can have. Important decisions impact employees, shareholders and the very future of the organisation. People who [...]

By |December 30th, 2013|Business, Lists|1 Comment