
Eight New Year’s Resolutions That Will Help You Live Longer, Happier and Healthier

The New Year is almost here and many of us will be making resolutions aimed at improving their lives for the upcoming year. As you step out of the old year and into the new one, here are eight New Year’s resolutions that will help you live longer, happier and healthier.    Drink More Water The phrase 'water is life' [...]

By |December 23rd, 2013|Health, Lists|1 Comment

India’s Mars Probe

Launch of India’s Mars Probe India’s recent Mars space probe initiative has attracted a lot of world attention. India has joined the elite in space exploration with the launch of its Mars probe.  It has joined the ranks of the superpowers and is in competition with its neighbour, China. Congratulations India. The world needs more initiatives such as this.  More [...]

By |December 23rd, 2013|Current Events, Technology|1 Comment

The Terminator Diet

Lose To Live How to lose fat and start living again A weight management initiative with a difference – and its FREE Caution. Always seek medical advice before making lifestyle, exercise and food changes. There are hundreds of programs on the market on weight loss. Very few are successful (invariably the most expensive programs that only the rich and famous [...]

By |December 11th, 2013|Diet, Health|1 Comment

Why are children being let down by Social Services?

Vulnerability The human baby is probably one of the most vulnerable creatures on this planet. Unlike most other species, it needs careful and continuous monitoring and attention from the time it is conceived and long after it is born. It just cannot do anything for itself for many many years.   It cannot, walk, talk, ask for food, find food, feed [...]

By |October 25th, 2013|Current Events|Comments Off on Why are children being let down by Social Services?

What Would You Do?

$22 million Lotto Winner from Christchurch, New Zealand A few weeks ago, Big Wednesday, one of the largest lotto jackpots in New Zealand (22 million NZ dollars) was struck by a single ticket purchased in Christchurch, a city devastated and damaged by a severe earthquake in February 2011 killing 185 people. The country was pleased that a person from Christchurch [...]

By |October 21st, 2013|Good Deeds, Role models, What would you do?|Comments Off on What Would You Do?

President Obama – Impeachment Calls

Losing Focus The turmoil in the US continues. The government shutdown has not even been resolved and now a call for impeachment of the US president - Obama.  The US has played role model and guardian to the world and is fast losing its status and credibility. Economic challenges, high unemployment, unprecedented levels of debt and now accusations of fraudulent [...]

By |October 16th, 2013|Current Events, Politics|Comments Off on President Obama – Impeachment Calls

US Government Shutdown

US Government Shutdown of “non essential services” An earnest appeal by the US president to restart the economic engine. This is a monster that everybody has at least heard of.  This has happened in the past. But due to time lapse and media reports reaching fewer people in the past it has not registered as broadly as the current shutdown [...]

By |October 16th, 2013|Business, Current Events, Politics|Comments Off on US Government Shutdown

Customer Silence vs. Business Success

Ever wondered what your customer is thinking? It’s high time you did because what your customer is thinking affects the success of your business. Here are some interesting observations about what customers will not articulate and as a business you should be cognizant of.   Customer (What’s inside your Customer’s head.) Business (Action by Business) Easy Anytime Access Customers desire [...]

By |October 15th, 2013|Business, Role models|Comments Off on Customer Silence vs. Business Success

What do Bill Gates and Joel Osteen have in common?

Very little one would imagine but both are regarded as philanthropists.   Bill Gates Bill Gates together with his buddy Paul Allen founded Microsoft, one of the forerunners of the modern day computer era, specialists in computer software development and the universally popular Windows and Microsoft Office products. Microsoft revolutionized the personal computer industry with their operating systems and office [...]

By |October 8th, 2013|Business, Philanthropists, Role models|Comments Off on What do Bill Gates and Joel Osteen have in common?


Welcome to Strong Whispers I would like to say a quick hello to our readers and would like to take this opportunity to give you a brief overview of StrongWhispers.com and what we aim to achieve via this site. Strong Whispers is a global organization that inspires and encourages people to articulate their thoughts and ideas, however profound, to make [...]

By |September 23rd, 2013|About|1 Comment