
People are Hallucinating Without Drugs!

One thing that simply astounds me about the human brain is that even with all the years of research, scientists are still finding out new things about it every year. Hallucinations are described as perceiving something that isn’t actually in existence as reality and are commonly associated with either drug use or mental health issues. But hallucinations don’t have to [...]

By |February 2nd, 2014|Culture, Current Events, Health, Lists|3 Comments

Why Diets Don’t Work

Think about the huge variety of dietary trends that are floating around the world of health and fitness. Every day I check, there is some kind of crazy new diet that people are promoting for “Extreme Weight Loss” and “Crazy Six-Pack Abs”. In reality, most of these temporary diets fail to give you results because of physical and psychological reasons. [...]

By |January 31st, 2014|Diet, Health|1 Comment

Black market organ donors

Although the tissue and organ donation market in the U.S. is highly regulated, black market dealings are not unheard of. Black market organ donation is illegal in most countries, including the United States. However, this does not change the reality. In fact, the World Health Organisation says that an organ is sold every hour and fears that the situation may [...]

By |January 26th, 2014|Current Events, Health|1 Comment

Jogging – a yellow line to nowhere!

I have jogged for many years. Like many other sports and recreational activities, there are inherent hazards. A biker’s nightmare is getting run over by a bus, or a skier’s, crushing into a rock.  My worst nightmare is clipping. I use the term ‘clipping’ to describe the many falls and tumbles that I have taken over the years whilst jogging. [...]

By |January 24th, 2014|Culture, Health, Politics, Sport|1 Comment

Heart Transplantation, Fitness And Diabetes

One of the unfortunate possibilities of heart transplantation is becoming a steroid induced diabetic. As a Type II diabetic, lifestyle change is mandatory. And, we are not just talking about diet change. My post-transplant diabetes aggressively attacked my nervous system and my muscle system, two pretty unnerving consequences. Since the transplant, I have gained great sympathy for persons who live [...]

By |January 24th, 2014|Health|1 Comment

Fact or Fiction: Are Anti-Ageing Treatments Worth the Fuss?

In our society, the media plays a huge role in cultural development. It shapes the stereotypical expectation for the masses through advertising, entertainment, and any other relevant industry  in pop culture. One negative side effect of this is the degradation of self-confidence. The population is being fed the altered images of celebrities and consequently they develop a distorted idea of [...]

By |January 24th, 2014|Health|1 Comment

London’s SkyCycle Program Innovates Bike Travel

There is almost no headache bigger than the one that comes from commuting to work. The streets are congested when you’re late, if you take a train it gets crowded and dirty, and it seems like there is never enough coffee to get you through all the madness. Many people have turned to biking as a clean and stress free [...]

By |January 22nd, 2014|Current Events, Health, Nature|1 Comment

Finger Licking Good…

..or is it a health hazard? So now that we have got your attention with the seductive featured image, (like all those annoying youtube thumbnails)... don't worry, we think it may still be worth your while! Have you ever noticed that David Letterman is a classic finger licker.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan, but I am always [...]

By |January 22nd, 2014|Culture, Health|1 Comment

5 Hazardous Additives In Your Diet

According to the American Dietetic Association, only 51% of people pay attention to ingredient labels when purchasing food. Is checking these labels an unnecessary hassle or a critical endeavor? As it turns out, checking labels has become essential to staying healthy, due to the adverse effects of chemicals and other additives in food products. Here are 5 common additives to [...]

By |January 21st, 2014|Health, Lists|2 Comments

Could You Become a Victim of Food Contamination?

You might think that since we’ve come such a long way with processing food consistently and keeping hunger away that the things we eat are completely reliable. The problem with our expanding population is that food needs to be processed on a much larger scale, making it difficult to carefully monitor everything that is shipped out to our food markets. [...]

By |January 19th, 2014|Business, Culture, Current Events, Health|1 Comment