
10 Time Saving Gadgets You Shouldn’t Be Without

1. Livescribe 3 smartpen The pen that turns your physical notes into digital ones on the fly. It features handwriting recognition, so as you write on paper, you will see the mobile app write the same text on screen. Another nifty little feature is the audio record function. Your notes will be rich with material as you can replay your [...]

By |January 11th, 2014|Lists, Technology, Ten Things|1 Comment

5 most touching dog rescue stories

Dogs love their owners with selfless devotion and are always eager to please. Unfortunately, human beings are not capable of loving them back with the same selflessness. Often people bring home dogs to make them a part of their lives but are quick to abandon them without a thought when things are not right. Others bring dogs home only to [...]

By |January 10th, 2014|Good Deeds, Lists, Nature, What would you do?|1 Comment

UK Stay Or Exit The EU

As the 2014 elections come closer, the debate about the UK’s status as an EU member will certainly come to the fore. Along with immigration, the UK-EU debate is likely to become a central issue once again. Last May, Tory MPs rallied behind former defence secretary Michael Portillo in calling for the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union. [...]

By |January 10th, 2014|Current Events|Comments Off on UK Stay Or Exit The EU

Counterfeit Goods Holding Our Well-being Hostage

Cheaper Goods, But At What Cost? The counterfeiting industry is a growing issue that effects human society on a global scale. It has managed to weave its way into almost every industry and continues to thrive, putting our safety and best interests in jeopardy. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development estimated that in only one year, counterfeited products rake [...]

By |January 10th, 2014|Business, Culture, Finance|1 Comment

Awards Season: Sex Sells

The days of graceful and elegant celebrities like Marylyn Monroe and Gene Kelly are long gone. Also gone are the days when song lyrics were meaningful and a reflection of beautiful emotions. We've ushered in the age of Britney Spears in a transparent body suit, celebrities posing nude on magazine covers, Lady Gaga's outrageous dressing sense and, of course, a [...]

By |January 9th, 2014|Culture, Entertainment, Featured|3 Comments

Immigration Reform Necessary

Immigration reform is a hot topic in the US and in the UK. Were it not for the controversy over Obamacare and the gridlock that characterises Washington, immigration reform would be at the top of the country’s political slate. Immigration reform will probably not get the attention of Congress until after the 2014 elections but it is very much on [...]

By |January 9th, 2014|Employment|19 Comments

The Top Tweeters to Follow in 2014

The Wild World of Twitter Back in 2006 when Twitter was created it introduced a whole new way for people to use social media. It essentially took the concept of blog posting and smashed it together with Facebook. Users can easily subscribe to each other, share information, and stay up to date with their own personalized feeds. A Diverse Selection [...]

By |January 9th, 2014|Culture, Current Events, Featured, Lists|19 Comments

Employment Creation: Work from home

Start a Career From Your Computer! For too long the hierarchical structure of the modern workplace has lead to people hating their jobs. We don’t want to be submissive, we don’t want to be treated unequally, and we most certainly don’t want to be fired for silly reasons. With the birth of the Internet a couple decades ago, the people [...]

By |January 9th, 2014|Business, Employment, Lists, Online Income, Technology|14 Comments

Puppy Mills – Why we need to adopt dogs from shelters instead of supporting puppy mills

Getting a puppy is perhaps one of the most exciting things in a child's or even an adult's life. However, before you head out the door to purchase a puppy from a pet store, take the time to know and understand the truth behind these cute puppies. Puppy Mills- Behind the Scenes   When you come across an advertisement of [...]

By |January 8th, 2014|Culture, Good Deeds, Nature, Role models|1 Comment

The Best Wearable Tech to Look for in 2014

Have Your Tech and Wear it Too The technology surrounding us is nothing short of astounding. This is especially true when you consider the fact that only a few hundred years ago a toilet that flushed was impressive. Competition amongst companies to have the most advanced technology is getting more intense with each passing year. In 2014, it looks like [...]

By |January 8th, 2014|Lists, Technology|1 Comment